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Due to the concerns surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic, St Thomas is following the directive of the UAE government as they seek to protect all people residing in the UAE and curb the spread of the virus. St Thomas is therefore not meeting physically for worship at this time, but is conducting its services online.

If possible gather as a family or as individuals at our usual worship times to go through the services and know that you are worshipping alongside the rest of your St Thomas family.

Nativity Service - Christmas Day

25th December 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of Word - 4th Week of Advent

18th December 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of Word - 3rd Week of Advent

11th December 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of Word - 2nd Week of Advent

4th December 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of Word - Advent

27th November 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of Word - Christ the King

20th November 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of Word - 2nd Sunday before Advent

13th November 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of Word - 3rd Sunday before Advent

6th November 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of Word - All Saints Day

30th October 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of Word - Last Week After Trinity

23rd October 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of Word - 18th Week After Trinity

9th October 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of Word - 17th Week After Trinity

2nd October 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of Word - 16th Week After Trinity

25th September 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Family Service - 15th Week After Trinity

18th September 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of the Word - 14th Week After Trinity

11th September 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of the Word - 13th Week After Trinity

4th September 2020 (Live Zoom Service at 3pm)

Service of the Word - 12th Week After Trinity

28th August 2020 10am

Family Service - 11th Week After Trinity

21st August 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 10th Week After Trinity

14th August 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 9th Week After Trinity

7th August 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 8th Week After Trinity

31st July 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 7th Week After Trinity

24th July 2020 10am

Family Service - 6th Week After Trinity

17th July 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 5th Week After Trinity

10th July 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 4th Week After Trinity

3th July 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 3rd Week After Trinity

26th June 2020 10am

Family Service - 2nd Week After Trinity

19th June 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 1st Week After Trinity

12th June 2020 10am

Service of the Word - Trinity

5th June 2020 10am

Service of the Word - Pentecost

29th May 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 7th Week of Easter

22nd May 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 6th Week of Easter

15th May 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 5th Week of Easter

8th May 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 4th Week of Easter

1st May 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 3rd Week of Easter

24th April 2020 10am

Service of the Word - 2nd Week of Easter

17th April 2020 10am

Easter Sunday Service

12th April 2020 6.30pm

Good Friday Stations of the Cross Service

10th April 2020 10am

Maundy Thursday - Tenebrae Service

9th April 2020 6.30pm

Evening Prayer

8th April 2020 6pm

Evening Prayer

7th April 2020 6pm

Evening Prayer

6th April 2020 6pm

Evening Prayer

5th April 2020 6pm

Palm Friday

3rd April 2020 10am

Preacher Revd Charlie Lloyd-Evans

Readings - Debbie Justus & Edouard Nibelle

Intercessions - Eden Bilagot

5th Week of Lent - Service of the Word

27th March 2020 10am

Preacher Dan Brown

Readings - Dede Murff & Justus George

Intercessions - Edouard Nibelle

4th Week of Lent - Service of the Word

20th March 2020 10am

Preacher Revd Charlie Lloyd-Evans

Intercessions - Debbie Justus

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